Rule violators will be warned and/or subsequently removed at the discretion of the moderation team. The foundation for all commerce in eso starts with gathering materials from nodes.
#Eso chromium plating farming upgrade
Legendary Gold Chromium Plating Before you upgrade anything. Violation of the Rules is best addressed using the Report function. For that you need jewelry crafting specific materials that you can farm in the open world.

To mark something spoilers (for story or other relevant purposes), use the following format exactly as it appears: "(/spoiler)" Please participate in the subreddit before performing any promotion, self or otherwise.Though do keep a look out for our weekly threads We welcome questions about the game, including build questions.Jewelry traits: This Elder Scrolls Online -related article is a stub. No posts which break the ZOS Terms of Service Legendary quality sketches require 1 Chromium Plating Trait Materials There are 9 trait materials used for crafting.Low-effort posts including memes will be removed. Posts must be relevant to The Elder Scrolls Online.

Farming platinum and refining is very time consuming.
#Eso chromium plating farming full
sometimes you get grains sometimes even a full chromium plating the more characters the better the odds.